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The global producer in natural soda ash
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Sodium BicarbonateThe global producer in natural soda ash
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Kazan Soda is one of the operating companies of WE Soda
Located in the north-west of Ankara Kazan Soda Elektrik plant consists of three sub-units: extraction, process, and cogeneration power plant. The investment budget of the project is US $1.9 billion over the last 10 years
We use innovative solution extraction technology
Our products are sold in over 70 countries around the world
We execute responsibly and sustainably
Soda Ash is a safe and simple compound which is used in thousands of everyday items from the manufacturing of glass, to cleaning products, pharmaceuticals and food. Civilisations as far back as the Egyptians and the Romans discovered its remarkable properties and began using this naturally occurring ingredient to produce glass vessels, medicines and food.
HEAD OFFICE & PLANT: İncirlik Küme Evleri 1. Cadde No:122 Yenikent – Sincan / ANKARA
Tel: +90 (312) 969 98 01
Fax: +90 (850) 201 75 30